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While there are still some limitations (thanks to our good friend, Winter), the addition of the instrument rating allows you to fly on days when you otherwise wouldn’t be able to as a VFR-only Private Pilot.

How do I obtain my Instrument Rating?

In order to obtain your Instrument rating you must hold a Private Pilot certificate, and have

  • 50 hours of Cross Country, Pilot in Command Time
  • 40 hours of flight by sole reference to flight instruments (of which 15 must be with a CFI-I)

How Much Does it Cost?

The cost depends on a lot of factors, and there are many ways you can save money during your instrument training. I have access to a FAA-approved AATD (Advanced Aviation Training Device), courtesy of the Aviation Heritage Center of Wisconsin which runs $30/hr (plus $40/hr for my time). Per the FAA, we can credit up to 20 hours of AATD time toward the 40 hours of instrument time. Assuming you have 50 hours of PIC cross-country time, you can expect the instrument rating to run you somewhere between $5,000 – $8,000.

What if I need an IPC (Instrument Proficiency Check)?

If you’ve passed the twelve-month window for your instrument currency, get in touch and we can you current again through an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC). An IPC typically takes between 3-4 hours depending upon your experience level.

Ok, I’m interested. What are the next steps?

Fill out the form below and I’ll be in contact usually within a few hours to answer any questions and to walk you through every step of the process for obtaining your Instrument Rating or getting Instrument current through an IPC.

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