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If you are looking for a great flying club in the Sheboygan Area, the Sheboygan Flying Club is where I highly recommend you look.

You can learn more about the Sheboygan Flying Club at their website which you can find here.

There are a lot of reasons why I love the flying club, but a couple of the big ones are below:

Their policies and procedures are very relaxed compared to other flying clubs in the area. Want to fly on grass strips like the pioneers of aviation? Not only is it allowed…it’s encouraged. Want to take an airplane for the weekend? Not a problem. The members of the club are granted 24-hour access to the hanger where we store our planes and you will oftentimes find members there hanging out chatting with one another even when they aren’t flying.

The airplanes themselves are maintained above and beyond the minimums required by the FAA. This was one of the major reasons why I chose to join over five years ago. Additionally, all the instructors (and I’m a little biased) go above and beyond to see the success of every pilot there.

Club Dues

Joining the flying club requires an annual $150 yearly fee and a monthly $35 fee. There are four aircraft to choose from and their rates are below (per hour/wet):

  1. Warrior
  2. Cherokee 180
  3. Archer
  4. Arrow
  5. Citabria

Interested in joining?

If you are interested in joining the flying club, feel free to reach out to the club directly or contact me and I’ll guide you through the process.

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