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One of the best parts about aviation is the “hanger talk” — the sharing of stories among pilots and lovers of general aviation. Writing is just another medium to participate in that. I’ve written the following articles for others both in print and online venues. You can find a list of those articles below:

“Empathetic Instruction”
National Association of Flight Instructors, “Mentor” Magazine, Volume 26, Number 4 (July/Aug 2024)

“Your Voice – An instructor’s words matter”
National Association of Flight Instructors, “Mentor” Magazine, Volume 26, Number 1 (Jan/Feb 2024)

“Communicating on the Fly – The words we use matter”
National Association of Flight Instructors, “Mentor” Magazine, Volume 25, Number 1 (Jan/Feb 2023)

“Imposter No More, Dealing with Imposter Syndrome”
National Association of Flight Instructors, “NAFI Notams” blog (2022)

“Student Anxiety – Navigating a natural reaction”
National Association of Flight Instructors, “Mentor” Magazine, Volume 24, Number 6 (Nov/Dec 2022)

If you are interested in having me write for your organization, do not hesitate to reach out. You can reach me at

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