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Achieve your dreams of flight

Whether you hope to attain your pilot certificate for recreational purposes, or you have aspirations of flying for an airline, I’ll help develop a plan to help you achieve your goals…at a fraction of the cost of the larger flight schools. 

    Ready to take to the sky?

    Training tailored to your individual learning style

    ...with an emphasis on safety, risk mitigation and stick and rudder skills

    By utilizing a training syllabus that is custom-tailored to each student, I create a learning environment that aims to be cost-effective while helping you become a well-rounded, risk-averse, pilot.

    From My Blog

    A burnt out nose gear light on a PA-28R-201
    Gear down, Two Green: A debrief on a gear issue during an IMC flight at night
    “Arrow 106PE, are you officially declaring an emergency at this time?” “Negative”, I responded. It was the first time I’d ever been asked that question and the closest I’ve been to ever having to respond in the affirmative. The flight itself started off as a rather routine IFR…
    Chair Flying Guide
    A Simple Guide to Chair Flying
    I was sitting in the airplane with my instructor working on various commercial maneuvers in preparation for my Commerical ASEL checkride. We had just completed a chandelle and the instructor says to me, “I smell smoke”. I didn’t respond right away and he says, “Yep, there is an…
    [Infographic] Understanding 91.213 - Inoperative Equipment and Instruments
    Understanding 91.213 – Inoperative Equipment and Instruments [Infographic]
    You discover during your preflight that your stall horn is inoperative. Can you fly? What about if it's the autopilot? For a lot of new (and experienced) pilots, remembering how to deal with inoperative equipment can be a challenge. We often think of 91.205 (the ATOMATOFLAMES/FLAPS/GRABCARD acronyms) but…
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